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Learning AI
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Docker and Kubernetes
Deploy and Run Apps with Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Rancher
0 students
Last updated
Jan 2025
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Section 1
001 Introduction kavm gitir
002 What is Docker 1gzD gitir
003 Installing Docker and Kubernetes on Mac fHps gitir
004 Installing Docker and Kubernetes on Windows Professional and Enterprise editions P0Ca gitir
005 Installing Docker and Kubernetes on Linux IZed gitir
006 Running a Docker Container AQSP gitir
007 Exposing Ports for External Access S5vg gitir
008 Docker Volumes zKqS gitir
009 Looking inside a Docker Container pIob gitir
010 Environment Variables yra0 gitir
011 Docker Container Logs 4Wa2 gitir
012 Listing Running Docker Containers cTmY gitir
013 Stopping a Docker Container 2v4b gitir
014 Listing Stopped Docker Containers 6Wv9 gitir
015 Removing a Stopped Docker Container AceM gitir
016 Docker Networks and Multiple Containers vEcY gitir
017 Docker Images pP3j gitir
018 Docker Image Repositories iJ9w gitir
019 Application Architecture Overview tWvz gitir
020 Clone Source Code Project 8jlB gitir
021 Create your own GitHub Project for the Source Code RTQz gitir
022 Walkthrough of Source Code Ge4e gitir
023 Introduction and Development Framework installations rpqe gitir
025 Create a Docker Network kzQf gitir
026 Start a PostgreSQL Database Container R9gp gitir
027 Start a Redis Cache Container A1RD gitir
028 Start an Elasticsearch Search Container uLwR gitir
029 Start the App Backend API aWFK gitir
030 Start the App Client Angular and Test the App mioW gitir
031 Introduction UGL7 gitir
032 Creating a Dev Dockerfile for the App Backend API SATb gitir
033 Change App Backend API to use Docker Network pn9c gitir
034 Building an App Backend API Docker Image wENC gitir
035 Creating a Dev Dockerfile for the App Client Angular 7Lbz gitir
036 Change App Client Angular to use Proxy VpXq gitir
037 Building an App Client Angular Docker Image Spbj gitir
038 Creating a Dev Dockerfile for the Proxy Nginx including Custom Configuration l77L gitir
039 Building a Proxy Nginx Docker Image nhgt gitir
040 Commit and push changes to GitHub xc5g gitir
041 Start the App Backend API Container S9fZ gitir
042 Start the App Client Angular Container I6Rj gitir
043 Start the Proxy Nginx Container NnrQ gitir
044 Test it out also changing code ECuP gitir
045 Stop everything and clean up Wueh gitir
046 Introduction K82X gitir
047 Writing a Docker Compose file for App Solution HCEn gitir
048 Start the App Solution and Test ggJz gitir
050 Update App Backend API Source Code kceF gitir
051 Creating a Dev Dockerfile for Postgres that Creates Todo db tvye gitir
052 Create App Backend API Start Script that Checks Elasticsearch Connection vojR gitir
053 Update Docker Compose file so it Builds Images and Sets Start Script for API VupT gitir
054 Start the App Solution with Initial Build and Test zdTG gitir
055 Stop Redis and See if it Works with just Database ta1G gitir
056 Add Named Volumes for Persistent Data sLtq gitir
057 Save App Solution Project pTsi gitir
058 Stateless vs Stateful Containers rdt3 gitir
059 A bit about Health checks HeMk gitir
060 Desired App State and Actual App State paow gitir
061 Accessing a Container and Executing a Command BFyM gitir
062 Docker Compose seems Powerful why do we need anything else such as Kubernetes IV0J gitir
063 Introduction wRIt gitir
064 Clone Source Code Project ATSH gitir
065 Create your own GitHub Project for the Source Code 68Zk gitir
066 Walkthrough of Source Code eNXe gitir
067 Docker Compose file Walkthrough EQws gitir
068 Service to Service Intercommunication QvKZ gitir
069 Start the App Solution with Initial Build and Test SAKE gitir
070 Stopping the Todo Cache Ingestion add new Todo start Todo Cache Ingestion tGCl gitir
071 Scaling the Todo Cache Ingestion n1jh gitir
072 Introduction mqVO gitir
073 Change to Development Tag in Docker Compose Iuws gitir
074 Creating a Production Dockerfile for the App Backend Services Node JS Iqml gitir
075 Creating a Production Dockerfile for the App Client Angular 62Gw gitir
076 Docker Registries zc6W gitir
077 Pushing Images to Docker Hub U3jS gitir
078 Create Production Docker Compose File LwvW gitir
079 Run App Solution with Production Images via Docker Compose dA2m gitir
080 Push all built Production Images to Docker Hub dpQR gitir
081 Save the Project 8nLO gitir
082 Introduction 8HK8 gitir
083 Setting up a Travis CI account and Associate with GitHUb project 6Ozy gitir
085 Enable Travis CI travis yml in GitHub Project XFX6 gitir
087 Commit changes and Watch Travis CI Build 8aWz gitir
088 Show Travis CI build status in GitHub project qV7C gitir
089 Introduction cxed gitir
090 Overview of AWS VPC and Security Groups d9mO gitir
091 Create an AWS Account bYLm gitir
092 What does the cost billing look like for this development test deployment 1U3U gitir
093 Create an AWS Security Group for App M0Kj gitir
094 Create AWS ElastiCache Instance replaces todo redis weWu gitir
095 Create AWS RDS Database Instance replaces todo postgres D2gA gitir
096 Download PgAdmin and set up Todo table WiKl gitir
097 Create AWS Elasticsearch Instance replaces todo elastic WJ68 gitir
098 Create App Environment in AWS Elastic Beanstalk AS96 gitir
099 Create AWS PEM File and access Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instance gQxC gitir
101 Create Elastic Beanstalk Deployment file Dockerrun aws json fsyu gitir
102 Documentation for Dockerrun aws json ke7d gitir
103 Configure Environment Properties in Elastic Beanstalk Console ibUo gitir
105 Configure Travis CI travis yml to Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk hsnB gitir
106 Commit Changes and Watch Deployment o9m5 gitir
107 Troubleshooting Deployments to Elastic Beanstalk WyG5 gitir
108 Clean up AWS Services D9LU gitir
109 Introduction xDki gitir
110 Taking it for a test run auzB gitir
111 Hardware representation CPU and RAM KkcA gitir
112 Hardware representation Storage SQOg gitir
113 Hardware representation Network mkrq gitir
114 Namespaces partition your applications HgO0 gitir
115 Pods and ReplicaSets package your applications 9Bf1 gitir
116 Deployments controlling pods ReaM gitir
117 Services make your apps available externally GZSv gitir
119 Ingress consolidate access to services eW4d gitir
121 ConfigMap configure your application GgYJ gitir
122 Secret configure passwords tokens etc in a secure way 4UcI gitir
124 Liveness and Readiness Probes check the health of your application O88b gitir
126 Persistent Volumes PV and Persistent Volume Claims PVC XjHl gitir
128 StatefulSets running stateful containers Xcjr gitir
129 Introduction n9o5 gitir
130 Introducing Kompose Kw1T gitir
131 Clone Todo App project with Kubernetes YAML cEy8 gitir
132 Create your own GitHub Project for the Source Code fpnd gitir
133 Walkthrough and Update Todo Kubernetes YAML Plsz gitir
134 Update Account Name for Docker Images XVTX gitir
135 Build and Publish Docker Images to Docker Hub 5lgo gitir
136 Running the Todo App Solution in Kubernetes W33f gitir
137 Troubleshooting the Todo App Deployment NEW 2020 01 i5Zw gitir
139 Introduction djGv gitir
140 Updating PVCs to use default storage class 86eK gitir
141 Run and see the PVs being dynamically provisioned bMSH gitir
142 A word about what development environment to use oIsT gitir
143 Introduction jAMG gitir
144 Installing Helm 43m7 gitir
145 Installing Kubernetes Dashboard with Helm CvmR gitir
146 Create Helm Chart for Todo App oYWS gitir
147 Install Todo App with Helm Chart DOEo gitir
148 Introduction zyoR gitir
149 Creating a GitHub Repository to host Helm Charts qxkb gitir
150 Publish the Todo App Chart to the Repository tEUD gitir
151 Deploy Todo App Chart from Remote Repository hWsD gitir
152 CI CD Pipeline overview kcT8 gitir
153 Move Todo Chart Source Code to helm charts master branch bZtm gitir
155 Publish Charts automatically with Travis CI Mo7U gitir
156 Introduction EZza gitir
157 Provision EC2 Instance to install from gTps gitir
159 Install aws client kubectl and helm 0jLx gitir
160 Introduction GQcb gitir
161 Create kops IAM users jEnc gitir
162 Configure AWS client config and credentials in aws BeJf gitir
163 Installing kops used to create clusters t2Hs gitir
164 Create S3 Bucket to hold Cluster configuration q3gr gitir
165 Define a cluster with kops FBra gitir
166 Create a cluster with kops kDE3 gitir
167 Install Helm Server Tiller kn2W gitir
168 Check default StorageClass goIG gitir
169 Fix Elastic data permissions and Postgres data location AnIl gitir
171 Create Service Account for Tiller with Role Cluster Admin Ti4g gitir
172 Deploy Todo App with Helm JSh2 gitir
173 Upgrade Todo App with Helm change chart rsUA gitir
174 Upgrade Todo App with Helm change source code urt8 gitir
175 Auto Healing What happens during a Worker Node failure gUE1 gitir
177 Introduction BZb0 gitir
179 Update travis yml to Tag with Build Number and deploy to AWS k8s cluster gskm gitir
180 Update Travis CI my todo cloud k8s project with new Env Vars and Deploy spOG gitir
181 Delete cluster 1z7T gitir
182 Introduction hTt1 gitir
184 Create extra AWS Policies aQJP gitir
185 Create eks IAM user v6ii gitir
186 Configure AWS client config and credentials in aws mmnH gitir
187 Install eksctl and aws iam authenticator tools SwUK gitir
188 Create a cluster with eksctl 32Jv gitir
189 Install Helm Server Tiller qcRg gitir
190 Deploy Todo App with Helm A4Ih gitir
191 Delete cluster g0Tf gitir
192 Introduction LxG2 gitir
193 Introduction to Google Cloud Console bKe5 gitir
194 Create a TodoApp Project and Enable Billing kP52 gitir
195 Install and Configure gcloud CLI 86Jg gitir
196 Create GKE cluster from UI and gcloud CLI hYog gitir
197 Connect to cluster with gcloud CLI and kubectl 5L4Y gitir
198 Check default StorageClass tM4U gitir
199 Install Helm Server Tiller HMJD gitir
200 Deploy Todo App with Helm gvuK gitir
201 Delete cluster TDAY gitir
202 What is Rancher psLc gitir
203 Provision EC2 instance to run Rancher Server on XEGS gitir
204 Install Docker on EC2 instance Rancher will be installed via Docker 2fqx gitir
205 Install Rancher and Access UI P0uS gitir
206 Rancher UI Walkthrough nn6w gitir
207 Configure Authentication with GitHub dgts gitir
208 Create Google GKE Cluster from Google Cloud Console atok gitir
209 Import Google GKE Cluster NaVM gitir
210 Inspect the imported Google GKE Cluster NKPf gitir
211 Create Google GKE Cluster zR3i gitir
212 Create Amazon EKS Cluster aEjN gitir
213 Install Helm Server Tiller JnDw gitir
214 Remove Namespace Definitions from Todo App Chart iS77 gitir
215 Add Catalog with Todo App fkCm gitir
216 Deploy Todo App to Single Cluster WXrW gitir
217 Upgrade Rancher to version 2 3 b2u0 gitir
218 Deploy Todo App to Multiple Clusters U6CA gitir
219 Monitor the health of Clusters fU75 gitir
220 Delete clusters lEM2 gitir
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Deploy and Run Apps with Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Rancher
Course modified date:
4 Jan 2025
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