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Learning AI
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Docker and Kubernetes
Master Docker & Kubernetes
0 students
Last updated
Jan 2025
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Section 1
001 Virtualization with Hypervisor mMLT gitir
002 Limitations on Virtual Machine k8QK gitir
003 What is a Container e2vx gitir
004 Introduction to Docker leC1 gitir
005 Difference between Docker Engine and Docker Desktop O0NQ gitir
006 System requirements ej5t gitir
007 Virtual Machine Setup sE4q gitir
008 Docker Engine setup using package manager Ubuntu cpAU gitir
009 Docker Engine setup using script Qzxg gitir
010 Understanding Docker default parameters eRvr gitir
011 What is a Docker container I98N gitir
012 Nginx application container creation Part 1 stNi gitir
013 Nginx application container creation Part 2 NkRG gitir
014 MySQL Deployment 8o2t gitir
015 Container creation Workflow in Docker Engine VVdN gitir
016 Configure static IP address for Docker host machine oWRa gitir
017 Understanding how to access applications from outside of Docker host machine 1slT gitir
018 Practical session on accessing applications from outside of Docker Host OT2A gitir
019 Understanding container restart policy kaCo gitir
020 Container restart policy wT86 gitir
021 Introduction to WordPress and MySQL Deployment 3rBq gitir
022 WordPress and MySQL Deployment on Docker Engine 3HzL gitir
023 Resource cleanup wAPE gitir
024 Introduction to Jenkins CICD application Y8Xu gitir
025 Jenkins CICD deployment on Docker Engine OLx8 gitir
026 Points to remember while creating container rm exec create wWwf gitir
027 Difference between docker container create and run xqft gitir
028 What is Docker Image for Containers hxEA gitir
029 Understanding Docker Image and Container Layers LOvy gitir
030 Disk utilization of Containers and Images WcNL gitir
031 Docker Hub account creation and pricing 4suX gitir
032 Docker Image pull workflow WZVV gitir
033 Push and Pull Images from Docker Hub FTei gitir
034 Share Images in Docker Hub account Tu9a gitir
035 Introduction to Dockerfile A Custom Image Build Solution from Docker QZ21 gitir
036 Dockerfile FROM parameter wZ9H gitir
037 Dockerfile MAINTAINER and RUN parameter with and without build cache uese gitir
038 Dockerfile LABEL and ENV parameter fp28 gitir
039 Dockerfile ARG and EXPOSE parameter UcSS gitir
040 Dockerfile COPY and ADD parameter PbJY gitir
041 Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT and CMD parameter mm8X gitir
042 Dockerfile SHELL and WORKDIR parameter gHJ3 gitir
043 Dockerfile STOPSIGNAL and HEALTHCHECK parameter pF38 gitir
044 Dockerfile VOLUME and USER parameter GMdL gitir
045 Demo Deploy Nginx app on Ubuntu 22 04 base image as non root user EzlA gitir
046 How to choose right base Image to save the size Ubuntu Vs Alpine 9FjZ gitir
047 Introduction to Docker Storage types PZjF gitir
048 Understanding volume mount with scenarios Part 1 Evm9 gitir
049 Understanding volume mount with scenarios Part 2 gpmc gitir
050 Understanding Jenkins deployment using volume mount architecture yw5N gitir
051 Jenkins CICD application deployment using volume mount QTYY gitir
052 Understanding bind mount with scenarios Part 1 8yMO gitir
053 Understanding bind mount with scenarios Part 2 rNbN gitir
054 Understanding Jenkins deployment using bind mount architecture bMyg gitir
055 Jenkins CICD application deployment using bind mount kXMO gitir
056 Docker tmpfs mount lB8B gitir
057 Points to remember while using Storage Dp5U gitir
058 Understanding remote storage using NFS server 0rGu gitir
059 Implement Docker volume mount with NFS server 9z7f gitir
060 Network types suppported by Docker OuK3 gitir
061 Docker default bridge network qwXb gitir
062 Docker user defined bridge network CmVe gitir
063 User defined bridge network managed by Daemon 24IR gitir
064 Container with static IP address allocation NKqD gitir
065 Points to remember while using Bridge network b7E9 gitir
066 Understanding Host network Y8ny gitir
067 Demo on host network creation aB2m gitir
068 Points to remember while using Host network 56AI gitir
069 Understanding None network TaAN gitir
070 None network Rfl2 gitir
071 Understanding Docker overlay network 7hDo gitir
072 Implementing Docker overlay network 2YMq gitir
073 Points to consider while working with overlay network 2iVK gitir
074 How to change default docker root directory OfdS gitir
075 Docker root directory status check bkJp gitir
076 How to change default bridge network CIDR 5CRD gitir
077 How to change default bridge network to custom network 5Mq6 gitir
078 What are links in Docker bTU8 gitir
079 Introduction to resources limits on Docker containers XqTB gitir
080 Introduction to UI access bR1b gitir
081 Portainer archirecture and pricing details fUeo gitir
082 Setup and configure Portainer on Docker Engine bK5s gitir
083 Access Portainer dashboard 4ZOI gitir
084 Part 1 Environments ZEtP gitir
085 Part 2 Containers pkUp gitir
086 Part 3 Network Images and Volumes I1OF gitir
087 App templates and stack mL7U gitir
088 Conclusion limitations of community edition yaPs gitir
089 Challenges with Docker Engine T6Fu gitir
090 Introduction to Docker Compose MMS7 gitir
091 Introduction to Docker Engine machine for compose e15y gitir
092 Docker compose installation scenarios rKXM gitir
093 Docker compose file parameters y21f gitir
094 High level view of Kubernetes architecture and components S4LX gitir
095 Common components for control and compute plane nodes GMfD gitir
096 Introduction to Kubernetes control plane components E7cS gitir
097 Kubernetes control plane components working principle JSA0 gitir
098 Introduction to Kubernetes compute plane components Gx7J gitir
099 Kubernetes compute plane components working principle 4KUT gitir
100 Kubernetes Components ports and protocols RJ1b gitir
101 Tools to setup kubernetes cluster and Cloud service eGXM gitir
102 Overview on single and multi node setup using kubeadm tool LzlH gitir
103 Why Containerd not Docker K8S dropped support for Docker YDsa gitir
104 Kubernetes single node setup using kubeadm tool CRI Containerd bpmB gitir
105 Kubernetes multi node setup using kubeadm tool CRI Containerd RKqs gitir
106 Part 1 Kubernetes HA setup using kubeadm tool CRI containerd LAuO gitir
107 Part 2 Kubernetes HA setup using kubeadm tool CRI containerd pH1V gitir
108 Part 3 Kubernetes HA setup using kubeadm tool CRI containerd 6s7X gitir
109 Part 4 Kubernetes HA setup using kubeadm tool CRI containerd 0n1L gitir
110 Part 5 Kubernetes HA setup using kubeadm tool CRI containerd b2jz gitir
111 Kubernetes Objects overview pZ45 gitir
112 POD overview 3MXU gitir
113 Intergrating VS code with K8S cluster efU4 gitir
114 Overview on K8S objects creation using imperative and declarative approach vyxK gitir
115 POD creation using Declarative approach Omk6 gitir
116 POD creation using Imperative approach 2ECC gitir
117 POD creation workflow rIj8 gitir
118 POD resource allocation CPU and Memory B3I0 gitir
119 POD multi container with shared volume TenG gitir
120 Handling containers in POD using crictl restart container POD xpkz gitir
121 Access POD application outside cluster hostPort VMxQ gitir
122 POD init Containers Introduction kzgs gitir
123 Demo POD init Containers ogfx gitir
124 POD Lifecycle restart policy Nagh gitir
125 Static POD controlled by Kubelet RJGe gitir
126 Challenges of standalone POD applications GyCh gitir
127 Introduction to Workload resources ZD0p gitir
128 Workload resource replication HqlX gitir
129 Introduction to Replication Controller rc skUb gitir
130 Demo Implement RC using declarative approach idva gitir
131 Demo RC scalein and scaleout NKAG gitir
132 Demo RC and POD label selector 92Zk gitir
133 Demo How to delete RC using cascade option qTmb gitir
134 Introduction to Replica Set rs 0D88 gitir
135 Demo Implement RS using declarative approach GQtA gitir
136 Demo RS scalein and scaleout WifL gitir
137 Demo RS and POD label selector matchLabels coRy gitir
138 Demo RS and POD label selector matchExpressions mOXr gitir
139 Demo How to delete RS using cascade option T0Ss gitir
140 Introduction to Deployment deploy fx4k gitir
141 Demo Deployment workflow Declarative and Imperative JK7H gitir
142 Demo Deployment scalein and scaleout IHuN gitir
143 Demo Deployment Rollout and Rollback StrategyType RollingUpdate 2j53 gitir
144 Demo Deployment Rollout and Rollback StrategyType Recreate AGQL gitir
145 Introduction to Daemon Set ds uKyn gitir
146 Demo Daemonset work flow Declarative approach tylw gitir
147 Demo Daemonset rollout and rollback strategy type RollingUpdate MXev gitir
148 Demo Daemonset rollout and rollback strategy type OnDelete GjUW gitir
149 Introduction to Jobs Xfn5 gitir
150 Demo Jobs workflow restart Policy jT1m gitir
151 Demo Jobs termination and cleanup idvC gitir
152 Introduction to CronJobs cj lsvg gitir
153 Demo CronJob workflow restart Policy yrwB gitir
154 Demo CronJob concurrency policy 292h gitir
155 Demo CronJob Job history limits nVSe gitir
156 Introduction to Auto cleanup of finished Jobs pPDa gitir
157 Demo Jobs auto cleanup qTPP gitir
158 Demo CronJobs auto cleanup O1ml gitir
159 When to learn Statefulset workload resource 0hKD gitir
160 Introduction to K8S Service and Types UudO gitir
161 Overview on need of Service for workload resources HunT gitir
162 Introduction to ClusterIP service R3m2 gitir
163 Demo Overview on Service type ClusterIP IZvk gitir
164 Demo Service ClusterIP with Endpoint fK61 gitir
165 Demo Service ClusterIP type creation using Imperative approach AJz5 gitir
166 Demo Service selector and pod labels z9yD gitir
167 Advanced Traffic flow from client POD to service to target PODs HTCR gitir
168 Introduction to NodePort service fyOo gitir
169 Demo Overview on Service type NodePort vNaT gitir
170 Demo Service NodePort type creation using Imperative approach cYSK gitir
171 Demo Customize service NodePort range and IP addresses range 7YZR gitir
172 Advanaced Traffic flow from external to node to service to POD 57vg gitir
173 Introduction to LoadBalancer service Lci5 gitir
174 Introduction to MetalLB for On premises K8S cluster yIES gitir
175 Demo Deploying MetalLB on cluster On premises FDCr gitir
176 Advanced Traffic flow while using LoadBalancer service type 4zMp gitir
177 Introduction to ExternalIP service 9WlU gitir
178 Demo Overview on Service type ExternalIP C33J gitir
179 Introduction to ExternalName service rcrD gitir
180 Demo Overview on Service type ExternalName LAcP gitir
181 Introduction to Headless service ClusterIP None LQR9 gitir
182 Demo Overview on Service type Headless ClusterIP None unpw gitir
183 Introduction to Kubernetes Storage types pqi1 gitir
184 Overview on Kubernetes Volumes IVdm gitir
185 Overview on Kubernetes Volumes mM4s gitir
186 EmptyDir Working principle of emptyDir volume type zXKR gitir
187 EmptyDir Demo for emptyDir volume type Disk and Memory mqtM gitir
188 hostPath Working principle of hostPath volume type N1gr gitir
189 hostPath Demo for hostPath volume type Directory and DirectoryOrCreate iDVp gitir
190 hostPath Demo for hostPath volume type File and FileOrCreate YaG4 gitir
191 NFS Working principle of nfs volume type OcpT gitir
192 Setup NFS server for Kubernetes Volume Demo KAfG gitir
193 NFS Demo for NFS volume type eEtE gitir
194 NFS Jenkins CICD Deployment Object with active and passive mode vUqz gitir
195 downwardAPI Demo on downwardAPI Information fieldRef 9b1c gitir
196 downwardAPI Demo on downwardAPI Information resourcefieldRef G6O9 gitir
197 Introduction to Persistent Storage pKAg gitir
198 Understanding Persistent Volume Access Modes OFIB gitir
199 Demo Static PV and PVC volume plugin hostPath zukC gitir
200 Demo PV and PVC management hostPath qFeE gitir
201 Demo Static PV and PVC volume plugin nfs g4kb gitir
202 Demo Persistent Volume Reclaim Policies nfs retain recycle delete TUYG gitir
203 Introduction to Access Modes for PV and PVC jbru gitir
204 Demo Access Modes e9uS gitir
205 Understanding PV phases WY3Q gitir
206 Introduction to Kubernetes Configuration hQ0h gitir
207 Introduction to Statefulset Object IPTk gitir
208 Demo understanding STS workflow mAJS gitir
209 Demo STS scalein and scaleout stratagies Ysl4 gitir
210 Demo STS with Headless service eyUB gitir
211 Demo Update strategies supported by STS pCZB gitir
212 Introduction to Kubernetes Configuration 81bt gitir
213 Introduction to Kubernetes ConfigMap vFqw gitir
214 Demo Handling ConfigMap using Imperative approach environment variables t8qT gitir
215 Demo Handling ConfigMap using Declarative approach environment variables vVdY gitir
216 Demo Handling ConfigMap using Declarative approach volume plugin JApa gitir
217 Demo Immutable ConfigMap G8ZH gitir
218 Introduction to Kubernetes Secrets 4EX9 gitir
219 Demo Handling Secrets using Imperative approach environment variables c9a8 gitir
220 Demo Handling Secrets using Declarative approach 4p3s gitir
221 Demo Handling Secrets using Declarative approach volume plugin Q5MU gitir
222 Demo Secrets to pull registry Private images imagePullSecrets 8his gitir
223 Introduction to Kubernetes scheduler oPoj gitir
224 Demo Scheduling POD using nodeName gfAR gitir
225 Demo Scheduling POD using nodeSelector N02v gitir
226 Introduction to nodeAffinity operators mndN gitir
227 Demo Scheduling POD using nodeAffinity requiredDuringScheduling TsrO gitir
228 Demo preferred and required for nodeAffinity Hal4 gitir
229 Demo nodeAntiAffinity using NotIn operator yHMC gitir
230 Demo Scheduling POD using podAffinity requiredDuringScheduling k7cT gitir
231 Demo Scheduling POD using podAffinity preferredDuringScheduling hCQn gitir
232 Demo Scheduling POD using podAntiAffinity requiredDuringScheduling WnPi gitir
233 Demo Scheduling POD using podAntiAffinity preferredDuringScheduling cC93 gitir
234 Demo Scheduling POD using Taints and Tolerations NoSchedule uTFn gitir
235 Demo Scheduling POD using Taints and Tolerations NoExecute 3o6J gitir
236 Introduction to Kubernetes Authentication and Authorization strategies V7WV gitir
237 Understanding Kubernetes authentication 3z4K gitir
238 Understanding Kubernetes authorization FzG6 gitir
239 Working principle of Cloud Kubernetes cluster 1MIZ gitir
240 Understanding kubeconfig file nQVb gitir
241 Demo K8S authenticating using cert based Role and RoleBinding Gktj gitir
242 Demo K8S authenticating using cert based ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding ZWRH gitir
243 Understanding k8s ServiceAccount lp8h gitir
244 Demo K8S POD to use Service Account uWxC gitir
245 Demo K8S authenticating using SA based Role and RoleBinding WMTI gitir
246 Demo K8S authenticating using SA based ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding BX8w gitir
247 Demo How to handle multiple context in kubeconfig file Ghz5 gitir
248 Introduction to Kubernetes Namespaces MVPT gitir
249 Demo Implementing Kubernetes namespaces imperative and declarative OgLb gitir
250 How to access applications in k8s from outside cluster BNT1 gitir
251 Introduction to Ingress Controller 2qpp gitir
252 Understanding Nginx Ingress Controller for On premises K8S 9Lhm gitir
253 Demo Deploy Nginx Ingress Controller VToV gitir
254 Demo Deploy Ingress resource for applications in k8s host based routing T66T gitir
255 k8s Ingress resource workflow host based routing Qd3w gitir
256 Demo TLS termination for Ingress resource host based routing wvnq gitir
257 K8S Ingress resource workflow path based routing fXbl gitir
258 Demo Deploy Ingress resource for applications in k8s path based routing cu5v gitir
259 Introduction to Kubernetes Network Policy DBlU gitir
260 Understanding Network Policy resource implementation calico network policy jNwC gitir
261 Demo Network Policy Implementation with podSelector Ingress type 0lFF gitir
262 Demo Network Policy Implementation with namespaceSelector Ingress type SR8d gitir
263 Demo Network Policy Implementation with ipBlock Ingress type Mrou gitir
264 Demo Network Policy with podSelector and namespaceSelector Ingress type 8Geo gitir
265 Demo Network Policy with podSelector and namespaceSelector Egress type dfkK gitir
266 Demo Network Policy with ipBlock Egress type Da6R gitir
267 Understanding Default Network Policies cJyP gitir
268 Introduction to web based UI for kubernetes sflo gitir
269 Demo Deploy k8s dashboard rDPJ gitir
270 Demo Admin user management in k8s dashboard ServiceAccount qXHD gitir
271 Demo Dashboard walk through as Admin user 9h6P gitir
272 Demo User access to k8s dashboard read only access lpky gitir
273 Understanding k8s upgrade principles n43H gitir
274 Upgrade k8s from v1 25 x to v1 26 x minor version upgrade JSGz gitir
275 K8S upgrade Conclusion 9qkN gitir
276 Introduction to ETCD MQYA gitir
277 ETCD cli tool setup and configuration Zprh gitir
278 Backup ETCD snapshot Scenario 1 YyiF gitir
279 Restore ETCD snapshot restore Scenario 1 NAwG gitir
280 Introduction to monitoring tools for Kubernetes T01c gitir
281 Introduction to Prometheus mT2J gitir
282 Understanding prometheus components and architecture pNQF gitir
283 Understanding prometheus manifest files uOQR gitir
284 Deploy Promethues on Kubernetes cluster GyfH gitir
285 Access Prometheus dashboard kbvO gitir
286 Metric server for Prometheus hFfv gitir
287 Understanding Grafana manifest files u79p gitir
288 Deploy Grafana on Kubernetes cluster GKnY gitir
289 Access Grafana dashboard with node exporter 7r0V gitir
290 Grafana dashboard WHJb gitir
291 Project Introduction 5EEj gitir
292 Docker Project Project agenda wT0h gitir
293 Docker Project AWS EC2 Instance setup for Docker Engine ljXg gitir
294 Docker Project EC2 ssh access and configuration KvrX gitir
295 Docker Project Basic check of Docker Engine tool and directory structure 6Vi4 gitir
296 Docker Project K8SEngineers application deployment workflow ifML gitir
297 Docker Engine PostgreSQL deployment workflow Bsen gitir
298 Docker Engine PostgreSQL Implement Dockerfile S7W0 gitir
299 Docker Engine PostgreSQL Implement scripts to initialize ddNC gitir
300 Docker Engine PostgreSQL Download and access initial DB backup file YfYr gitir
301 Docker Engine PostgreSQL Build image from Dockerfile rR10 gitir
302 Docker Engine Launch PostgreSQL database XXI7 gitir
303 Docker Engine NodeJS deployment workflow UdVg gitir
304 Docker Engine Backend Clone repository for k8sengineers backend code hyWg gitir
305 Docker Engine Backend Implement Dockerfile 9uXZ gitir
306 Docker Engine Backend Define ENV for NodeJS to access PostgreSQL jehk gitir
307 Docker Engine Backend Build Image from Dockerfile VcbW gitir
308 Docker Engine Backend Launch NodeJS container 1m41 gitir
309 Docker Engine Backend Check NodeJS health after deployment emHE gitir
310 Docker Engine ReactJS deployment workflow POhm gitir
311 Docker Engine Frontend Clone repository for k8sengineers frontend code nWDB gitir
312 Docker Engine Frontend Implement Dockerfile Xidz gitir
313 Docker Engine Frontend Build image from Dockerfile Inqf gitir
314 Docker Engine Frontend Launch ReactJS container LL2S gitir
315 Docker Engine Allow ports to access k8sengineers application Xa2N gitir
316 Docker Engine Conclusion Access application to verify deployment 4zWG gitir
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Master Docker & Kubernetes
Course modified date:
5 Jan 2025
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